====== Introduction ====== This Wiki page is intended to eventually document all keyboard shortcuts in Rosegarden. For now, this is only a rough outline of what the page should look like in the end. Please add to it / adjust it as you see fit. The main window shortcuts should now all be listed. Please use the contents of [[keyboard_shortcuts_txt|this page]] to help finish this Wiki page. ====== Keyboard Shortcuts ====== ===== Rosegarden Main Window ===== ==== File ==== |New File | ctrl+n|| |Open File | ctrl+o|| |Open Recent| ctrl+r|Open the most recently opened Rosegarden project (top of the list)| |Save | ctrl+s|| |Save As... | ctrl+shift+s|| |Close active file | ctrl+w|| |Close Rosegarden | ctrl+q|| ==== Edit ==== ^ Function ^ Shortcut ^ Note ^ |Undo | ctrl+z|| |Redo | ctrl+shift+z|| |Cut | ctrl+x|| |Copy | ctrl+c|| |Paste | ctrl+v|| |Delete | delete|Deletes current selection| |Cut range | ctrl+shift+x| Select a range by shift+dragging on the Playback Position Ruler. Range editing can be useful for inserting a bar/measure in an existing composition.| |Copy range | ctrl+shift+c|| |Paste range | ctrl+shift+v|| |Insert range... | ctrl+shift+ins|| |Select all segments | ctrl+a|| ==== View ==== ^ Function ^ Shortcut ^ Note ^ |Toggle Show transport |t|| |Toggle show Special Parameters | p|| ==== Composition ==== ^ Function ^ Shortcut ^ Note ^ |Edit markers... | ctrl+k|| |Set quick marker at playback position | ctrl+shift+m|| |Jump to quick marker | ctrl+m|| ==== Studio ==== ^ Function ^ Shortcut ^ Note ^ | No shortcuts ||| ==== Segment ==== ^ Function ^ Shortcut ^ Note ^ |Toggle repeat | ctrl+shift+r|When checked, any selected segments will repeat until they run into another segment, or the end of the composition.| |Open in default editor | return|Opens the selected segment in the default editor| |Open in matrix editor | m|| |Open in percussion editor | d| (as in **d**rum)| |Open in notation editor | n|| |Open in event list editor | e|| |Quantize | =|| |Repeat last quantization | +|| |Jog left | alt+left|Moves the currently selected segment(s)| |Jog right | alt+right|| |Join | ctrl+j|Joins two selected segments together (select multiple segments by holding shift while clicking them)| ==== Tracks ==== ^ Function ^ Shortcut ^ Note ^ |Add track | ctrl+t|| |Add tracks... | ctrl+shift+t|| |Remove track | ctrl+d|| |Move track down | shift+down|| |Move track up | shift+up|| |Select next track | down|| |Select previous track | up|| |Toggle mute/unmute track | m|| |Toggle mute/unmute track | u|In Rosegarden version 10.10. (Ubuntu Studio 10.04)| |Toggle arm/unarm track for recording | r|| ==== Tools ==== ^ Function ^ Shortcut ^ Note ^ | Select and Edit mode | F2 | | |Draw mode | F3 || | Erase mode | F4|| | Move mode | F5|| | Resize mode | F6|| | Split mode | F7|| |Toggle Playback | ctrl+enter|**This is wrongly indicated in the program itself**| |Stop playback | ins|Press twice to reset the playback pointer to its place prior to playback| |Rewind | page up|Moves playback pointer one measure backwards (also works during playback - you may have to hold the button down)| |Fast forward | page down|Moves playback pointer one measure forwards| |Record | media record|**this could use a shortcut for those of us without a media record button**| |Punch in record | space|Toggles between Play and Record modes while in Play mode. Adds new parallel segments in track| |Scroll to follow playback | pause|Moves the displayed part of the composition to follow the playback pointer| |Panic | ctrl+alt+p|Stop playback, send All Sound Off instruction to connected MIDI instruments| ==== Help ==== ^ Function ^ Shortcut ^ Note ^ |Rosegarden manual | F1|| ==== Shortcuts not in the Menu ==== ^ Function ^ Shortcut ^ Note ^ |Toggle Receive External | shift+p|Under Special Parameters. Use program changes from an external source to manipulate these controls (only valid for the currently-active track)| ===== Notation Editor ===== ^ Function ^ Shortcut ^ Note ^ | Row 1 Col 1 | Row 1 Col 2 | Row 1 Col 3 | | Row 2 Col 1 | some colspan (note the double pipe) || | Row 3 Col 1 | Row 3 Col 2 | Row 3 Col 3 | ===== Matrix Editor ===== ==== Shortcuts not in the Menu ==== ^ Function ^ Shortcut ^ Note ^ |Copy Note | ctrl+click|Drag to copy a note| ===== Program-Wide Shortcuts ===== ^ Function ^ Shortcut ^ Note ^ | Start/Pause Playback | ctrl+enter | | | Row 2 Col 1 | some colspan (note the double pipe) || | Row 3 Col 1 | Row 3 Col 2 | Row 3 Col 3 |