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doc:matrix-ja [2010/10/31 01:46]
ribbon MIDI
doc:matrix-ja [2022/05/06 16:07]
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-===== マトリクスエディタ ===== 
-それぞれのマトリクスエディタウィンドウは1つのセグメントを表示します。セグメントを編集するためには、メインキャンバス中で単に右クリックし、**セグメント->マトリクスエディタを開く**(**Segments →  Open in Matrix Editor**)(****M****)を選択します。その代わりに、セグメントをダブルクリックすると、マトリクスエディタが既定値のエディタになるようにRosegardenを設定することも可能です。 
-===== The Grid and Quantize controls ===== 
-The matrix view contains Grid and Quantize menus in its main toolbar. 
-The Grid menu controls the size of the visible grid in the background of the matrix view, as well as the time resolution used when entering and moving notes. After you set it to a particular time value, the normal note insertion and drag operations will then snap automatically to grid points spaced at that time width. You can override the snap-to-grid effect temporarily by holding down **Shift** during editing, or you can disable it by setting the Grid menu to None. 
-The Quantize menu works rather differently. Rather than controlling the behaviour of other editing tools, it actually performs an action. When you change the value in this menu, the selected notes – or the whole segment if nothing is selected – will immediately be quantized using a grid quantizer of the chosen resolution. 
-The Quantize menu also shows you continuously what resolution the current segment or selection is quantized to. For example, if you select a set of notes that start on consecutive quarter-note beats, the Quantize menu will update itself to show 1/4, as this is the coarsest resolution consistent with the existing quantization of the current selection. 
-===== 音符の挿入 ===== 
-You can also draw notes using the select tool {{http://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/rg-select.png}} , by clicking and dragging either with the middle mouse button, or with the left mouse button and **Ctrl** pressed. 
-==== PCキーボードでの音符の入力 ==== 
-=== デュレーション === 
-The durations of notes entered from the keyboard are controlled by the Grid setting on the View → Grid menu or toolbar. You can set this using the number keys: 
-キーボードからのデュレーション入力は、**表示->グリッドメニュー**(**View → Grid menu**)設定又はツールバーによって制御されます。 
-  * **5** – 小節全体 
-  * **1** – Beat 
-  * **2** – 二分音符 (minim) 
-  * **4** – 四分音符 (crotchet) 
-  * **8** – 八分音符 (quaver) 
-  * **6** – 一六分音符 (semiquaver) 
-  * **3** – 三二分音符 (demisemiquaver) 
-  * **0** – 六四分音符 (hemidemisemiquaver) 
-=== ピッチ === 
-Once the correct duration is selected in the Grid menu, you can insert a note at the current position of the [[/#nv-rulers|insert cursor]] by pressing one of the pitch keys: 
-  * **A** – ド (the tonic of the current key in the current clef) 
-  * **S** – レ 
-  * **D** – ミ 
-  * **F** – ファ 
-  * **J** – ソ 
-  * **K** – ラ 
-  * **L** – シ 
-1オクターブ上を入力する場合は**Q**, **W**、**E**、**R**、**U**、**I**と**O**を使います。同様に、1オクターブ下を入力する場合には**Z**、**X**、**C**、**V**、**B**、**N**と**M**を使います。 
-=== その他の注意すべき点 === 
-すべてのコマンドの挿入はツールメニューのサブメニュー上で有効です。たった1つの音符を挿入するためにメニューを辿っていくことはありそうもないですが、メニューはキーボードショートカットを表示しているので、どのキーがどの機能に 割り当てられているかを忘れた場合には、役に立つリファレンスとなるでしょう。 
-キーボードショートカットは、現在QWERTYレイアウトキーボード用にデザインされています。その他のレイアウトにキーをリマップする方法はまだなく、**設定->ショートカットを設定....**(**Settings → Configure Shortcuts....**)を明示的に使うことにより、各々のキーの再定義を個別に行ないます。FIXME confirm this is not available in QT4 Rosegarden SOM 
-==== MIDIキーボードからの音符の入力 ==== 
-===== Selecting notes ===== 
-To select notes in the matrix editor, switch to the select {{http://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/rg-select.png}} **F2** tool and then outline a rectangular area containing the notes you want to select. The selected events will then be highlighted in blue. If you instead click on a single event, just that event will be selected. 
-If you hold **Shift** while dragging out a rectangle or clicking on a note, the new selection will be added to any existing selection instead of replacing it. 
-To clear a selection, click in an empty space on the matrix editor, or hit the **Escape** key. 
-You can also select all of the notes of a given pitch, by shift-clicking on a key in the piano keyboard down the left side of the matrix editor. You can also shift-click and drag to select a range of pitches. This selection is added to any existing selection you have, so if you want a clean new selection, clear the old one first. 
-==== Filtering the selection ==== 
-**Edit → Filter Selection** offers you the ability to filter a range of events in any of several categories out of your selection. You can use this to refine the selection, if you want some action to apply to only certain events in it. 
-{{:doc:rg-eventfilter.png|The event filter dialog}} 
-All ranges may be either inclusive or exclusive. 
-An inclusive range will remove events on either side of it from the selection. You can use this, for example, to filter everything below middle C and above the A above middle C out of your selection. 
-An exclusive range will remove the events within the range itself, leaving everything on either side of it selected. Using the same search points as in the previous example, you would use an exclusive range to remove everything between middle C and the A above middle C from your selection, while leaving everything above and below that range selected. 
-Once your selection has been filtered, you can manipulate it by any conventional means. 
-===== Moving and copying notes ===== 
-You can move notes in both time and pitch on the matrix editor by either clicking and dragging them with the move tool, or selecting them and then dragging them with the select tool. 
-To copy notes, select them and then use the standard copy and paste functions. After the paste the pasted notes will be selected instead, and you can then drag them wherever you need them. You may also copy notes by selecting them with the select tool, then keeping **Ctrl** pressed click-and-drag the selected notes in a new position. 
doc/matrix-ja.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/06 16:07 (external edit)
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