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keyboard_shortcuts_txt [2018/02/07 16:07]
keyboard_shortcuts_txt [2022/05/06 16:07] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +As said in an e-mail by Chris Cannam: 
 +"//I should have said this sooner, but it's quite easy to extract the
 +actual shortcuts from our .rc definition files (found in the data/rc/
 +directory in the Rosegarden source distribution).//
 +//I attach a small Perl script which reads an .rc file and dumps out the
 +menu names and shortcuts, and I also attach the result of running this
 +on all of the current .rc files.  Note that the name of the .rc file
 +roughly represents where in the program the shortcut is found -- e.g.
 +rosegardenmainwindow.rc contains the shortcuts for the main window.//"
 +The Perl script:
 +while (<>) {
 +    if (/shortcut="([^"]+)"/) {
 + my $shortcut = $1;
 + my $text = "";
 + if (/text="([^"]+)"/) {
 +     $text = $1;
 +     $text =~ s/&amp;//;
 +     print $text, " | ", $shortcut, "\n";
 + }
 +    }
 +What follows is the contents of the textfile also attached to this e-mail, which can be used by anyone to finish the [[keyboard_shortcuts|keyboard shortcuts]] wiki page.
 +Close | Ctrl+W
 +Help | F1
 +Close | Ctrl+W
 +Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
 +Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
 +Copy | Ctrl+C, F16, Ctrl+Ins
 +Paste | Ctrl+V, F18, Shift+Ins
 +Help | F1
 +Save | Ctrl+S
 +Close | Ctrl+W
 +Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
 +Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
 +Help | F1
 +Save | Ctrl+S
 +Close | Ctrl+W
 +Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
 +Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
 +Insert Event | I
 +Delete Event | Delete
 +Edit Event | E
 +Cut | Ctrl+X, F20, Shift+Del
 +Copy | Ctrl+C, F16, Ctrl+Ins
 +Paste | Ctrl+V, F18, Shift+Ins
 +Select All | Ctrl+A
 +Clear Selection | Escape
 +Filter Selection | Ctrl+F
 +Help | F1
 +Close | Ctrl+W
 +Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
 +Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
 +Help | F1
 +Switch to Select Tool | F2
 +Switch to Move Tool | F5
 +Switch to Draw Tool | F3
 +Switch to Resize Tool | F6
 +Switch to Select Tool | F2
 +Switch to Draw Tool | F3
 +Switch to Erase Tool | F4
 +Switch to Resize Tool | F6
 +Switch to Select Tool | F2
 +Switch to Move Tool | F5
 +Switch to Erase Tool | F4
 +Switch to Resize Tool | F6
 +Save | Ctrl+S
 +Close | Ctrl+W
 +Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
 +Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
 +Cut | Ctrl+X, F20, Shift+Del
 +Copy | Ctrl+C, F16, Ctrl+Ins
 +Paste | Ctrl+V, F18, Shift+Ins
 +Delete | Delete, Ctrl+D
 +Select All Events | Ctrl+A
 +Clear Selection | Escape
 +Filter Selection | Ctrl+F
 +Snap to 1/64 | 0
 +Snap to 1/32 | 3
 +Snap to 1/16 | 6
 +Snap to 1/8 | 8
 +Snap to 1/4 | 4
 +Snap to 1/2 | 2
 +Snap to Beat | 1
 +Snap to Bar | 5
 +Quantize... | =
 +Repeat Last Quantize | +
 +Legato | -
 +Jog Left | Alt+Left
 +Jog Right | Alt+Right
 +Increase Velocity | Shift+Up
 +Reduce Velocity | Shift+Down
 +Halve Durations | Ctrl+H
 +Double Durations | Ctrl+Shift+H
 +Up a Semitone | Up
 +Down a Semitone | Down
 +Up an Octave | Ctrl+Up
 +Down an Octave | Ctrl+Down
 +Invert | Shift+Alt+I
 +Retrograde | Shift+Alt+R
 +Cursor Back and Select | Shift+Left
 +Cursor Forward and Select | Shift+Right
 +Cursor Back Bar and Select | Ctrl+Shift+Left
 +Cursor Forward and Select | Ctrl+Shift+Right
 +Set Loop to Selection | Ctrl+;
 +Clear Loop | Ctrl+:
 +Previous Segment | Alt+PgUp
 +Next Segment | Alt+PgDown
 +Step Back | Left
 +Step Forward | Right
 +Rewind | Ctrl+Left
 +Fast Forward | Ctrl+Right
 +Scroll to Follow Playback | Pause
 +Panic | Alt+Ctrl+P
 +Select and Edit | F2
 +Draw | F3
 +Erase | F4
 +Move | F5
 +Resize | F6
 +Split | F7
 +Velocity | F7
 +I/do | A
 +I/do sharp | Shift+A
 +II/re flat | Ctrl+Shift+S
 +II/re | S
 +II/re sharp | Shift+S
 +III/mi flat | Ctrl+Shift+D
 +III/mi | D
 +IV/fa | F
 +IV/fa sharp | Shift+F
 +V/sol flat | Ctrl+Shift+J
 +V/sol | J
 +V/sol sharp | Shift+J
 +VI/la flat | Ctrl+Shift+K
 +VI/la | K
 +VI/la sharp | Shift+K
 +VII/ti flat | Ctrl+Shift+L
 +VII/ti | L
 +I/do | Q
 +I/do sharp | Shift+Q
 +II/re flat | Ctrl+Shift+W
 +II/re | W
 +II/re sharp | Shift+W
 +III/mi flat | Ctrl+Shift+E
 +III/mi | E
 +IV/fa | R
 +IV/fa sharp | Shift+R
 +V/sol flat | Ctrl+Shift+U
 +V/sol | U
 +V/sol sharp | Shift+U
 +VI/la flat | Ctrl+Shift+I
 +VI/la | I
 +VI/la sharp | Shift+I
 +VII/ti flat | Ctrl+Shift+O
 +VII/ti | O
 +I/do | Z
 +I/do sharp | Shift+Z
 +II/re flat | Ctrl+Shift+X
 +II/re | X
 +II/re sharp | Shift+X
 +III/mi flat | Ctrl+Shift+C
 +III/mi | C
 +IV/fa | V
 +IV/fa sharp | Shift+V
 +V/sol flat | Ctrl+Shift+B
 +V/sol | B
 +V/sol sharp | Shift+B
 +VI/la flat | Ctrl+Shift+N
 +VI/la | N
 +VI/la sharp | Shift+N
 +VII/ti flat | Ctrl+Shift+M
 +VII/ti | M
 +Chord Insert Mode | H
 +Rosegarden Manual | F1
 +Switch to Select Tool | F2
 +Switch to Move Tool | F5
 +Switch to Draw Tool | F3
 +Switch to Erase Tool | F4
 +Switch to Draw Tool | F3
 +Switch to Move Tool | F5
 +Switch to Erase Tool | F4
 +Switch to Resize Tool | F6
 +Switch to Select Tool | F2
 +Switch to Draw Tool | F3
 +Switch to Erase Tool | F4
 +Switch to Move Tool | F5
 +Switch to Resize Tool | F6
 +Save | Ctrl+S
 +Close | Ctrl+W
 +Panic | Alt+Ctrl+P
 +Help | F1
 +Save | Ctrl+S
 +Close | Ctrl+W
 +Panic | Alt+Ctrl+P
 +Help | F1
 +Save | Ctrl+S
 +Close | Ctrl+W
 +Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
 +Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
 +Cut | Ctrl+X, F20, Shift+Del
 +Copy | Ctrl+C, F16, Ctrl+Ins
 +Paste | Ctrl+V, F18, Shift+Ins
 +Cut and Close | Alt+Shift+X
 +Paste... | Alt+Shift+V
 +Delete | Delete
 +Select Whole Staff | Ctrl+A
 +Clear Selection | Escape
 +Filter Selection | Ctrl+F
 +Add Layer | Ctrl+Alt++
 +Add Fingering 0 (Thumb) | Alt+0
 +Add Fingering 1 | Alt+1
 +Add Fingering 2 | Alt+2
 +Add Fingering 3 | Alt+3
 +Add Fingering 4 | Alt+4
 +Add Fingering 5 | Alt+5
 +Add Fingering + | Alt+9
 +Cycle Slashes | /
 +Stem Up | Ctrl+PgUp
 +Stem Down | Ctrl+PgDown
 +Beam Group | Ctrl+B
 +Auto-Beam | Ctrl+Alt+B
 +Unbeam | Ctrl+U
 +Tuplet... | Ctrl+T
 +Triplet | Ctrl+R
 +Add Slur | )
 +Add Phrasing Slur | Ctrl+)
 +Tie | ~
 +Add Crescendo | &lt;
 +Add Decescendo | &gt;
 +Normalize Rests | Ctrl+N
 +Collapse Equal-Pitch Notes | Ctrl+=
 +Cycle Dots | Ctrl+.
 +Cycle Dots Without Duration Change | Ctrl+Alt+.
 +Double Whole Note | Ctrl+5
 +Whole Note | Ctrl+1
 +Half Note | Ctrl+2
 +Quarter Note | Ctrl+4
 +Eighth Note | Ctrl+8
 +Sixteenth Note | Ctrl+6
 +Thirty-Second Note | Ctrl+3
 +Sixty-Fourth Note | Ctrl+0
 +Double Whole Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+5
 +Whole Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+1
 +Half Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+2
 +Quarter Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+4
 +Eighth Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+8
 +Sixteenth Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+6
 +Thirty-Second Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+3
 +Sixty-Fourth Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+0
 +Quantize... | =
 +Halve Durations | Ctrl+H
 +Double Durations | Ctrl+Shift+H
 +Up a Semitone | Up
 +Down a Semitone | Down
 +Up an Octave | Ctrl+Up
 +Down an Octave | Ctrl+Down
 +Increase Velocity | Shift+Up
 +Reduce Velocity | Shift+Down
 +Jog Left | Alt+Left
 +Jog Right | Alt+Right
 +Cursor back and Select | Shift+Left
 +Cursor Forward and Select | Shift+Right
 +Cursor Back Bar and Select | Ctrl+Shift+Left
 +Cursor Forward and Select | Ctrl+Shift+Right
 +Set Loop to Selection | Ctrl+;
 +Clear Loop | Ctrl+:
 +Next Staff Up | Alt+Up
 +Next Staff Down | Alt+Down
 +Previous Segment | Alt+PgUp
 +Next Segment | Alt+PgDown
 +Step Back | Left
 +Step Forward | Right
 +Rewind | Ctrl+Left
 +Fast Forward | Ctrl+Right
 +Scroll to Follow Playback | Pause
 +Panic | Alt+Ctrl+P
 +Select and Edit | F2
 +Draw Notes and Rests | F3
 +Erase | F4
 +Text | F8
 +Guitar Chord | F9
 +Double Whole Note | 5
 +Whole Note | 1
 +Half Note | 2
 +Quarter Note | 4
 +Eighth Note | 8
 +Sixteenth note | 6
 +Thirty-Second Note | 3
 +Sixty-Fourth Note | 0
 +Switch To Notes | Y
 +Switch To Rests | Y
 +Toggle Dot On | .
 +Toggle Dot Off | .
 +I/do | A
 +I/do sharp | Shift+A
 +II/re flat | Ctrl+Shift+S
 +II/re | S
 +II/re sharp | Shift+S
 +III/mi flat | Ctrl+Shift+D
 +III/mi | D
 +IV/fa | F
 +IV/fa sharp | Shift+F
 +V/sol flat | Ctrl+Shift+J
 +V/sol | J
 +V/sol sharp | Shift+J
 +VI/la flat | Ctrl+Shift+K
 +VI/la | K
 +VI/la sharp | Shift+K
 +VII/ti flat | Ctrl+Shift+L
 +VII/ti | L
 +I/do | Q
 +I/do sharp | Shift+Q
 +II/re flat | Ctrl+Shift+W
 +II/re | W
 +II/re sharp | Shift+W
 +III/mi flat | Ctrl+Shift+E
 +III/mi | E
 +IV/fa | R
 +IV/fa sharp | Shift+R
 +V/sol flat | Ctrl+Shift+U
 +V/sol | U
 +V/sol sharp | Shift+U
 +VI/la flat | Ctrl+Shift+I
 +VI/la | I
 +VI/la sharp | Shift+I
 +VII/ti flat | Ctrl+Shift+O
 +VII/ti | O
 +I/do | Z
 +I/do sharp | Shift+Z
 +II/re flat | Ctrl+Shift+X
 +II/re | X
 +II/re sharp | Shift+X
 +III/mi flat | Ctrl+Shift+C
 +III/mi | C
 +IV/fa | V
 +IV/fa sharp | Shift+V
 +V/sol flat | Ctrl+Shift+B
 +V/sol | B
 +V/sol sharp | Shift+B
 +VI/la flat | Ctrl+Shift+N
 +VI/la | N
 +VI/la sharp | Shift+N
 +VII/ti flat | Ctrl+Shift+M
 +VII/ti | M
 +Insert Rest | P
 +Chord Insert Mode | H
 +Triplet Insert Mode | G
 +Tuplet Insert Mode | ;
 +Rosegarden Manual | F1
 +New | Ctrl+N
 +Open... | Ctrl+O
 +Save | Ctrl+S
 +Save As... | Ctrl+Shift+S
 +Close | Ctrl+W
 +Quit | Ctrl+Q
 +Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
 +Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
 +Cut | Ctrl+X, F20, Shift+Del
 +Copy | Ctrl+C, F16, Ctrl+Ins
 +Paste | Ctrl+V, F18, Shift+Ins
 +Delete | Delete
 +Cut Range | Ctrl+Shift+X
 +Copy Range | Ctrl+Shift+C
 +Paste Range | Ctrl+Shift+V
 +Insert Range... | Ctrl+Shift+Ins
 +Select All Segments | Ctrl+A
 +Show Transport | T
 +Show Special Parameters | P
 +Edit Markers... | Ctrl+K
 +Set Quick Marker at Playback Position | Ctrl+Shift+M
 +Jump to Quick Marker | Ctrl+M
 +Toggle Repeat | Ctrl+Shift+R
 +Open in Default editor | Return
 +Open in Matrix Editor | M
 +Open in Percussion Matrix Editor | D
 +Open in Notation Editor | N
 +Open in Event List Editor | E
 +Quantize... | =
 +Repeat Last Quantize | +
 +Jog Left | Alt+Left
 +Jog Right | Alt+Right
 +Join | Ctrl+J
 +Add Track | Ctrl+T
 +Add Tracks... | Ctrl+Shift+T
 +Delete Track | Ctrl+D
 +Move Track Down | Shift+Down
 +Move Track Up | Shift+Up
 +Select Next Track | Down
 +Select Previous Track | Up
 +Mute or Unmute Track | U
 +Arm or Un-arm Track for Record | R
 +Select and Edit | F2
 +Draw | F3
 +Erase | F4
 +Move | F5
 +Resize | F6
 +Split | F7
 +Play | Enter, Media Play, Ctrl+Return
 +Stop | Insert, Media Stop
 +Rewind | PgUp, Media Previous
 +Fast Forward | PgDown, Media Next
 +Record | Media Record
 +Punch in Record | Space
 +Scroll to Follow Playback | Pause
 +Panic | Alt+Ctrl+P
 +Rosegarden Manual | F1
 +Rewind to Beginning | Home
 +Fast Forward to End | End
 +Save | Ctrl+S
 +Close | Ctrl+W
 +Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
 +Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
 +Add Tempo Change... | I
 +Add Time Signature Change... | G
 +Delete | Delete, Ctrl+D
 +Edit Item | E
 +Select All | Ctrl+A
 +Clear Selection | Escape
 +Help | F1
 +Close | Ctrl+W
 +Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
 +Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
 +Paste as New Triggered Segment | Ctrl+Shift+V
 +Help | F1
keyboard_shortcuts_txt.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/05/06 16:07 (external edit)
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