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users_helping_users [2008/09/15 11:02]
users_helping_users [2022/05/06 16:07]
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-======Users Helping Users====== 
-Complete articles written by users for users. 
-  * [[Creating a Rosegarden score for LilyPond export]]: some dos and don'ts, from Rosegarden user Gunhild Andersen 
-  * [[Using Lilypond to merge four part staffs ]]: a quick and dirty guide 
-  * [[Setting up the FluidR3_GM.sf2 for timidity]]: may need some tweaking. SOM 
-  * [[Chord names for LilyPond export]]: Syntax to use when entering chord names for LilyPond Export. SOM 
-  * [[Keystrokes]]: Using keystrokes for workflow continuity. 
users_helping_users.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/05/06 16:07 (external edit)
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