As said in an e-mail by Chris Cannam:

I should have said this sooner, but it's quite easy to extract the actual shortcuts from our .rc definition files (found in the data/rc/ directory in the Rosegarden source distribution).

I attach a small Perl script which reads an .rc file and dumps out the menu names and shortcuts, and I also attach the result of running this on all of the current .rc files. Note that the name of the .rc file roughly represents where in the program the shortcut is found – e.g. rosegardenmainwindow.rc contains the shortcuts for the main window.

The Perl script:


while (<>) {
    if (/shortcut="([^"]+)"/) {
	my $shortcut = $1;
	my $text = "";
	if (/text="([^"]+)"/) {
	    $text = $1;
	    $text =~ s/&amp;//;
	    print $text, " | ", $shortcut, "\n";

What follows is the contents of the textfile also attached to this e-mail, which can be used by anyone to finish the keyboard shortcuts wiki page.


Close | Ctrl+W
Help | F1


Close | Ctrl+W
Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
Copy | Ctrl+C, F16, Ctrl+Ins
Paste | Ctrl+V, F18, Shift+Ins
Help | F1



Save | Ctrl+S
Close | Ctrl+W
Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
Help | F1


Save | Ctrl+S
Close | Ctrl+W
Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
Insert Event | I
Delete Event | Delete
Edit Event | E
Cut | Ctrl+X, F20, Shift+Del
Copy | Ctrl+C, F16, Ctrl+Ins
Paste | Ctrl+V, F18, Shift+Ins
Select All | Ctrl+A
Clear Selection | Escape
Filter Selection | Ctrl+F
Help | F1



Close | Ctrl+W
Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
Help | F1



Switch to Select Tool | F2
Switch to Move Tool | F5
Switch to Draw Tool | F3
Switch to Resize Tool | F6


Switch to Select Tool | F2
Switch to Draw Tool | F3
Switch to Erase Tool | F4
Switch to Resize Tool | F6


Switch to Select Tool | F2
Switch to Move Tool | F5
Switch to Erase Tool | F4
Switch to Resize Tool | F6


Save | Ctrl+S
Close | Ctrl+W
Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
Cut | Ctrl+X, F20, Shift+Del
Copy | Ctrl+C, F16, Ctrl+Ins
Paste | Ctrl+V, F18, Shift+Ins
Delete | Delete, Ctrl+D
Select All Events | Ctrl+A
Clear Selection | Escape
Filter Selection | Ctrl+F
Snap to 1/64 | 0
Snap to 1/32 | 3
Snap to 1/16 | 6
Snap to 1/8 | 8
Snap to 1/4 | 4
Snap to 1/2 | 2
Snap to Beat | 1
Snap to Bar | 5
Quantize... | =
Repeat Last Quantize | +
Legato | -
Jog Left | Alt+Left
Jog Right | Alt+Right
Increase Velocity | Shift+Up
Reduce Velocity | Shift+Down
Halve Durations | Ctrl+H
Double Durations | Ctrl+Shift+H
Up a Semitone | Up
Down a Semitone | Down
Up an Octave | Ctrl+Up
Down an Octave | Ctrl+Down
Invert | Shift+Alt+I
Retrograde | Shift+Alt+R
Cursor Back and Select | Shift+Left
Cursor Forward and Select | Shift+Right
Cursor Back Bar and Select | Ctrl+Shift+Left
Cursor Forward and Select | Ctrl+Shift+Right
Set Loop to Selection | Ctrl+;
Clear Loop | Ctrl+:
Previous Segment | Alt+PgUp
Next Segment | Alt+PgDown
Step Back | Left
Step Forward | Right
Rewind | Ctrl+Left
Fast Forward | Ctrl+Right
Scroll to Follow Playback | Pause
Panic | Alt+Ctrl+P
Select and Edit | F2
Draw | F3
Erase | F4
Move | F5
Resize | F6
Split | F7
Velocity | F7
I/do | A
I/do sharp | Shift+A
II/re flat | Ctrl+Shift+S
II/re | S
II/re sharp | Shift+S
III/mi flat | Ctrl+Shift+D
III/mi | D
IV/fa | F
IV/fa sharp | Shift+F
V/sol flat | Ctrl+Shift+J
V/sol | J
V/sol sharp | Shift+J
VI/la flat | Ctrl+Shift+K
VI/la | K
VI/la sharp | Shift+K
VII/ti flat | Ctrl+Shift+L
VII/ti | L
I/do | Q
I/do sharp | Shift+Q
II/re flat | Ctrl+Shift+W
II/re | W
II/re sharp | Shift+W
III/mi flat | Ctrl+Shift+E
III/mi | E
IV/fa | R
IV/fa sharp | Shift+R
V/sol flat | Ctrl+Shift+U
V/sol | U
V/sol sharp | Shift+U
VI/la flat | Ctrl+Shift+I
VI/la | I
VI/la sharp | Shift+I
VII/ti flat | Ctrl+Shift+O
VII/ti | O
I/do | Z
I/do sharp | Shift+Z
II/re flat | Ctrl+Shift+X
II/re | X
II/re sharp | Shift+X
III/mi flat | Ctrl+Shift+C
III/mi | C
IV/fa | V
IV/fa sharp | Shift+V
V/sol flat | Ctrl+Shift+B
V/sol | B
V/sol sharp | Shift+B
VI/la flat | Ctrl+Shift+N
VI/la | N
VI/la sharp | Shift+N
VII/ti flat | Ctrl+Shift+M
VII/ti | M
Chord Insert Mode | H
Rosegarden Manual | F1


Switch to Select Tool | F2
Switch to Move Tool | F5
Switch to Draw Tool | F3
Switch to Erase Tool | F4


Switch to Draw Tool | F3
Switch to Move Tool | F5
Switch to Erase Tool | F4
Switch to Resize Tool | F6


Switch to Select Tool | F2
Switch to Draw Tool | F3
Switch to Erase Tool | F4
Switch to Move Tool | F5
Switch to Resize Tool | F6


Save | Ctrl+S
Close | Ctrl+W
Panic | Alt+Ctrl+P
Help | F1


Save | Ctrl+S
Close | Ctrl+W
Panic | Alt+Ctrl+P
Help | F1



Save | Ctrl+S
Close | Ctrl+W
Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
Cut | Ctrl+X, F20, Shift+Del
Copy | Ctrl+C, F16, Ctrl+Ins
Paste | Ctrl+V, F18, Shift+Ins
Cut and Close | Alt+Shift+X
Paste... | Alt+Shift+V
Delete | Delete
Select Whole Staff | Ctrl+A
Clear Selection | Escape
Filter Selection | Ctrl+F
Add Layer | Ctrl+Alt++
Add Fingering 0 (Thumb) | Alt+0
Add Fingering 1 | Alt+1
Add Fingering 2 | Alt+2
Add Fingering 3 | Alt+3
Add Fingering 4 | Alt+4
Add Fingering 5 | Alt+5
Add Fingering + | Alt+9
Cycle Slashes | /
Stem Up | Ctrl+PgUp
Stem Down | Ctrl+PgDown
Beam Group | Ctrl+B
Auto-Beam | Ctrl+Alt+B
Unbeam | Ctrl+U
Tuplet... | Ctrl+T
Triplet | Ctrl+R
Add Slur | )
Add Phrasing Slur | Ctrl+)
Tie | ~
Add Crescendo | &lt;
Add Decescendo | &gt;
Normalize Rests | Ctrl+N
Collapse Equal-Pitch Notes | Ctrl+=
Cycle Dots | Ctrl+.
Cycle Dots Without Duration Change | Ctrl+Alt+.
Double Whole Note | Ctrl+5
Whole Note | Ctrl+1
Half Note | Ctrl+2
Quarter Note | Ctrl+4
Eighth Note | Ctrl+8
Sixteenth Note | Ctrl+6
Thirty-Second Note | Ctrl+3
Sixty-Fourth Note | Ctrl+0
Double Whole Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+5
Whole Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+1
Half Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+2
Quarter Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+4
Eighth Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+8
Sixteenth Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+6
Thirty-Second Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+3
Sixty-Fourth Note (Without Duration Change) | Ctrl+Alt+0
Quantize... | =
Halve Durations | Ctrl+H
Double Durations | Ctrl+Shift+H
Up a Semitone | Up
Down a Semitone | Down
Up an Octave | Ctrl+Up
Down an Octave | Ctrl+Down
Increase Velocity | Shift+Up
Reduce Velocity | Shift+Down
Jog Left | Alt+Left
Jog Right | Alt+Right
Cursor back and Select | Shift+Left
Cursor Forward and Select | Shift+Right
Cursor Back Bar and Select | Ctrl+Shift+Left
Cursor Forward and Select | Ctrl+Shift+Right
Set Loop to Selection | Ctrl+;
Clear Loop | Ctrl+:
Next Staff Up | Alt+Up
Next Staff Down | Alt+Down
Previous Segment | Alt+PgUp
Next Segment | Alt+PgDown
Step Back | Left
Step Forward | Right
Rewind | Ctrl+Left
Fast Forward | Ctrl+Right
Scroll to Follow Playback | Pause
Panic | Alt+Ctrl+P
Select and Edit | F2
Draw Notes and Rests | F3
Erase | F4
Text | F8
Guitar Chord | F9
Double Whole Note | 5
Whole Note | 1
Half Note | 2
Quarter Note | 4
Eighth Note | 8
Sixteenth note | 6
Thirty-Second Note | 3
Sixty-Fourth Note | 0
Switch To Notes | Y
Switch To Rests | Y
Toggle Dot On | .
Toggle Dot Off | .
I/do | A
I/do sharp | Shift+A
II/re flat | Ctrl+Shift+S
II/re | S
II/re sharp | Shift+S
III/mi flat | Ctrl+Shift+D
III/mi | D
IV/fa | F
IV/fa sharp | Shift+F
V/sol flat | Ctrl+Shift+J
V/sol | J
V/sol sharp | Shift+J
VI/la flat | Ctrl+Shift+K
VI/la | K
VI/la sharp | Shift+K
VII/ti flat | Ctrl+Shift+L
VII/ti | L
I/do | Q
I/do sharp | Shift+Q
II/re flat | Ctrl+Shift+W
II/re | W
II/re sharp | Shift+W
III/mi flat | Ctrl+Shift+E
III/mi | E
IV/fa | R
IV/fa sharp | Shift+R
V/sol flat | Ctrl+Shift+U
V/sol | U
V/sol sharp | Shift+U
VI/la flat | Ctrl+Shift+I
VI/la | I
VI/la sharp | Shift+I
VII/ti flat | Ctrl+Shift+O
VII/ti | O
I/do | Z
I/do sharp | Shift+Z
II/re flat | Ctrl+Shift+X
II/re | X
II/re sharp | Shift+X
III/mi flat | Ctrl+Shift+C
III/mi | C
IV/fa | V
IV/fa sharp | Shift+V
V/sol flat | Ctrl+Shift+B
V/sol | B
V/sol sharp | Shift+B
VI/la flat | Ctrl+Shift+N
VI/la | N
VI/la sharp | Shift+N
VII/ti flat | Ctrl+Shift+M
VII/ti | M
Insert Rest | P
Chord Insert Mode | H
Triplet Insert Mode | G
Tuplet Insert Mode | ;
Rosegarden Manual | F1




New | Ctrl+N
Open... | Ctrl+O
Save | Ctrl+S
Save As... | Ctrl+Shift+S
Close | Ctrl+W
Quit | Ctrl+Q
Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
Cut | Ctrl+X, F20, Shift+Del
Copy | Ctrl+C, F16, Ctrl+Ins
Paste | Ctrl+V, F18, Shift+Ins
Delete | Delete
Cut Range | Ctrl+Shift+X
Copy Range | Ctrl+Shift+C
Paste Range | Ctrl+Shift+V
Insert Range... | Ctrl+Shift+Ins
Select All Segments | Ctrl+A
Show Transport | T
Show Special Parameters | P
Edit Markers... | Ctrl+K
Set Quick Marker at Playback Position | Ctrl+Shift+M
Jump to Quick Marker | Ctrl+M
Toggle Repeat | Ctrl+Shift+R
Open in Default editor | Return
Open in Matrix Editor | M
Open in Percussion Matrix Editor | D
Open in Notation Editor | N
Open in Event List Editor | E
Quantize... | =
Repeat Last Quantize | +
Jog Left | Alt+Left
Jog Right | Alt+Right
Join | Ctrl+J
Add Track | Ctrl+T
Add Tracks... | Ctrl+Shift+T
Delete Track | Ctrl+D
Move Track Down | Shift+Down
Move Track Up | Shift+Up
Select Next Track | Down
Select Previous Track | Up
Mute or Unmute Track | U
Arm or Un-arm Track for Record | R
Select and Edit | F2
Draw | F3
Erase | F4
Move | F5
Resize | F6
Split | F7
Play | Enter, Media Play, Ctrl+Return
Stop | Insert, Media Stop
Rewind | PgUp, Media Previous
Fast Forward | PgDown, Media Next
Record | Media Record
Punch in Record | Space
Scroll to Follow Playback | Pause
Panic | Alt+Ctrl+P
Rosegarden Manual | F1
Rewind to Beginning | Home
Fast Forward to End | End




Save | Ctrl+S
Close | Ctrl+W
Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
Add Tempo Change... | I
Add Time Signature Change... | G
Delete | Delete, Ctrl+D
Edit Item | E
Select All | Ctrl+A
Clear Selection | Escape
Help | F1



Close | Ctrl+W
Nothing to undo | Ctrl+Z
Nothing to redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z
Paste as New Triggered Segment | Ctrl+Shift+V
Help | F1